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What kind of firewood do you sell?We offer mostly (naturally) seasoned firewood with at least 8 months of drying time. Our wood is sourced from local WNC hardwoods, primarily oak and other native species—no pine or hemlock. We also carry kiln-dried firewood and green wood—call or text 828-506-3025 for the best prices in the area.
How much does delivery cost?Delivery is included in the quoted price! You can always tip our charming delivery guys if they do a good job, or are particularly good looking, or just funny.
How many pieces of firewood are in a cord?Since firewood pieces vary in size and are not stacked tightly, it's impossible to give an exact number of pieces. But here’s a rough estimate: Face cord (1/3 of a full cord): ~220 pieces of split wood Full cord: ~660 pieces Our smallest delivery, “The Weekender" would have ~110 pieces Remember, we sell by volume (cubic feet or cord), not by the piece.
Is there a minimum amount of firewood you will deliver?The Weekender (4' x 4' x 18") is the minimum amount we will deliver. For bundles of firewood along with GOODWUD merchandise, visit us at Cashiers Farmers Market in the Cashiers crossroads (78 US-64, Cashiers, NC 28717).
What is the normal length of your split firewood?The average length our firewood measures about 18 inches long, but we can custom split to 24 inches for larger fireplaces or fire pits.
When will you deliver an order?We typically deliver same-day or next-day—definitely within the same week. If we’re crazy busy, we’ll give you a heads-up. We deliver by request only, no automatic restocking.
Will I have to chop my firewood into smaller pieces to get them to fit into my stove or fireplace?It depends! With so many stove and fireplace sizes, it’s impossible to cut firewood to fit every model. You may have to occasionally chop some pieces smaller to fit your stove or fireplace. A maul, axe, or hatchet should do the trick!
What is green firewood?Green firewood is wood that’s freshly cut and has not had time to fully dry. It typically contains about 30% moisture. In contrast, seasoned firewood (like ours) is air-dried for months, reducing moisture to around 15-20%. Seasoned wood is easier to burn, produces more heat, and creates less smoke. Green wood should be seasoned for several months before use to get the best burn. With that being said, buying green wood in advance can be a smart way to ensure you have high-quality firewood when you need it. By purchasing green wood early and storing properly, you secure a steady supply for the future while supporting local suppliers. As long as the wood is stored correctly—stacked in a dry area, covered to keep out rain, and given plenty of time to season—it can become a budget-friendly, reliable option for your heating needs.
Can I get kiln-dried firewood from you?Yes, we sell kiln-dried firewood upon request. Text or call Josh Crawford at 828-506-3025 to receive our best current prices and delivery details.
What is the best way to contact us?We respond via phone or email, but texting is always preferred! 828-506-3025.
Where can I purchase Cashiers Firewood merchandise?The Cashiers Farmers Market during the spring through fall.
What payment methods do you accept?Venmo, cash, or check.
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